My name is Katie and I am 11 My dad said I can write the first blog on the new website.
My dad has had funky pictures for about 7 years now and you do not know how hard he works.
He works almost all day and almost all night 7 days a week he gets about 4 or 5 hours of sleep and has to go back out so early in the morning.

He takes me to work with him sometimes and I love it. Ever since Covid came he has been cooped up in his room working constantly on the website improving it bringing and new ideas and when he’s not doing that he is in his garage making new things so he has more to offer people.
The website got hacked recently it upset my dad but he told me that there are many good people in the world but unfortunately there are also bad and when you create something nice and achieve something you are always going to have people who want to try and destroy you.
Funky Pictures is a company that my dad built up and the fact he made something like that has inspired me to want to make my own business when I’m older. Funky pictures are just like its name it is funky pictures for all different types of celebrations.
My dad says he works so hard so that we can have the things he never had growing up.

My dad is my hero he was in the army and give up his career to adopted me and my sister.
Did you know?
That every winter since 2014 he buys the homeless warm clothing out of his own money every year?

He does work really long hours every day but still tries to spend as much time as possible with us all going on walks, teaching us self defence and helping me with my singing. he is a really strict dad he makes sure we study hard at school and keep our rooms tidy and chew with our mouths closed.
Did you know that he broke his foot in the morning my mom thought he was joking and called him a drama queen he refused to go to the hospital as he had jobs to complete he went to the hospital after his last job at about 1 am in the morning and found out he had broken it in 2 places he then was up and back out to work before we got up and done all his jobs with crutches and a big boot on his leg he said that it is not just working to him and he never wants to late anyone down because each day is very special to someone.
When you hire funky pictures you are making my dad smile and making him happy because he is making a future for us.